Think Straight
‘There are no facts, only interpretations.
“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
When Nietzsche said that there are no facts, he meant that we, as human beings, ultimately rely on our interpretations of reality. There’s no way to confirm reality objectively. That doesn’t mean nothing is real and that we’re all living in a big dream. We just have to realize that facts are not the same thing as the truth. That simple thought saves you a lot of energy because it means no one can be right or wrong. Don’t bother with convincing people with different opinions of the “truth.” It’s just not a practical thing to do. Save your energy for other, more useful things.
So he planned to go off the grid like a modern-day Henry David Thoreau: “I was going to go hard-core, shut off all email and social media, and make myself unreachable to all but a few close friends and colleagues. It felt like the only solution.”
Instead of following your instinct of, “I’ll prove them!” you can take a step back and ask yourself, “Why do I even want to come across as smart?” If you really think about it, it doesn’t matter what others think of you. I think it’s always better to take your time to think. If others think that makes you stupid, they are the ones who are.
Why do we make things so complicated while we can easily solve these things by just taking an extra day to THINK? That’s all you need. Just think things through.
Remember: Money is a replaceable resource. When you’re out of it, you can earn it back. You can’t say the same for time. Don’t spend too much time thinking about money.
When you combine a few rules, you have a system. And a system helps you to take the thinking part out of the equation. The only thinking you need to do is when your system doesn’t give you the results you want.
If you want to do a job, do it right or not at all.
With practice, you can get better at controlling your thoughts, so you can decide what you think.
“You become what you think about all day long.”
“I know one thing: That I know nothing,”
The fact that he thinks that he knows nothing makes him wise. That’s a way of thinking.
No matter how crazy your thoughts are, it’s safe to say that you do exist. So why not make your existence a little more practical, lighthearted, fun, and useful?
Have you ever observed or written down your thoughts? I challenge you, try it for a day. Every two hours or so, sit down and write about what you’re thinking at that very moment. Just don’t get scared of yourself. Most of our thoughts make no sense at all.
- Note: Todo
Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” If you want the dots to connect in the future, you have to make sure you form dots in your brain. The only way you form dots is by learning, doing, making mistakes, reflecting, or anything you can do to feed your brain with the input it needs to give you the output you want.
Only think about things you can control. That automatically eliminates about 99% of your thoughts because there’s very little you control in life.
two main types of useful thoughts: Thinking about how you can solve problems. A problem is just an unanswered question. Put your brain to use and think about how you can solve problems. There are a lot of those on this earth. Understanding knowledge. That means this: Try to internalize knowledge and think about how you can use that knowledge to improve your life, career, work, relationships, etc.
A cognitive bias is a systematic thinking error that impacts judgments, and therefore, our decisions.