How to Network Must Rea
- Put on a Happy Face SMILE This is…
- Put on a Happy Face SMILE This is such a basic rule yet people just don’t think about it.
How to Network: Must read for shy people ~ Thread ~
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- Start with Whom You Know Start slow by networking with relatives and friends. Once you gain some courage, you can expand to strangers too.
- Listen to be Heard Everyone wants to talk about themselves. If you are shy, be a good listener. If you let them speak, they will remember it as a great conversation
- Say their Name People like to hear their own names. Calling them by their name would make them more comfortable.
- Be Yourself Don’t pretend to be an extrovert for networking. People will respect you for being you, not someone else.
- Always be Networking Networking doesn’t just happen at the work, Anything that gets you out of house is networking. Networking would be easy if you would consider it as fun instead of duty.
- Be Generous You don’t always need to give back something to network. Simply make them feel good or successful about themselves, When you don’t have anything else to give back.