He Built a 1mMRR Dinner Club App in 2 Weeks With 0 Employees
Solving Loneliness
- Time Left addr…
Solving Loneliness - Time Left addresses the loneliness epidemic by facilitating in-person connections. - It provides a structured way for strangers to meet and potentially form friendships. Transcript: Shaan Puri So TimeLift is a business that just gets people together for dinner. It is a solve for the loneliness epidemic that is everywhere. And so if you go to their website, it just says every Wednesday night, strangers meet for dinner. Book your seat and meet five strangers over dinner, all matched by our personality algorithm, book your seat. And in hundreds of cities, every Wednesday, people get together for a dinner with a bunch of strangers that are curated by this app. And so you pay something like 20-ish bucks a month to be a part of this club, be a part of this supper club. And every week on Wednesday, they’re going to set up a dinner, and then you go. Then you pay for the dinner separately while you’re there. They book the restaurant. They book the table. You show up. And it’s supposed to be a bunch of other people that you should find interesting or get along with. And then you split the bill at the end.
Time Left’s Rapid Growth - Time Left, a dinner club app, reached $10M ARR in 10 months. - It connects strangers for weekly dinners based on a personality algorithm. Transcript: Shaan Puri All right, I got a business that you’re going to love. Okay, so this is a business that in 10 months has gotten to 10 million in ARR. Sam Parr I think I know what you’re talking about. Shaan Puri Okay, so it started by this French guy. And the business is called Time Left. Sam Parr Yep, I had it on my topics list too. Shaan Puri Okay, so check this out. I don’t know how deep did you go? Did you go into the backstory or? I know it took a lot longer than it appears. Sam Parr Yeah, exactly. Shaan Puri It’s a multi-year overnight success as they tend to be, right? You’ve heard the phrase like 10-year overnight success. It’s kind of like that. So I want to show you some things about this guy. So the first thing is this graph. Here’s the revenue graph. And if you’re listening on audio, you should go to YouTube so you can actually see what we’re showing because it’s way more fun. And you can also see what we look like. And by the way, I’m Sean. This voice, this is Sean, the Indian guy. Sam, talk. You’re the white guy. You should talk now. Sam Parr It’s like they think that I would talk like a white, like alpha jock because of the way that I look. And I talk like an Indian nerd. And they think that you would talk like an Indian nerd, but you talk like a white bro alpha jock. Shaan Puri Exactly. And we need the record to be clear on that. Okay, who’s who? All right. So check this out. So this is the revenue graph. Already impressive. You can see it kind of starts super, super flat and then gets to now, you know, over a million dollars a month that this business is generating. And what does it do? Sam Parr What month did it describe that graph? Shaan Puri Okay, so this is basically if you start in January of last year, it’s like zero. You get to January of this year and it’s still, you know, the ARR is still under, I don’t know, 500K or something like that. Sam Parr Tens of thousands, maybe a month. Shaan Puri Exactly. And now as of October, November, it’s over a $10 million annual run rate. It’s crossing 12 and a half million. And so in 10 months to go to do greater than 10 million in ARR is great. He said it took seven months to reach 1 million and then another seven months to get from one to 10. Right? So crazy growth. Okay. So what’s growing like crazy? What is this business even? So TimeLift is a business that just gets people together for dinner. It is a solve for the loneliness epidemic that is everywhere. And so if you go to their website, it just says every Wednesday night, strangers meet for dinner. Book your seat and meet five strangers over dinner, all matched by our personality algorithm, book your seat. And in hundreds of cities, every Wednesday, people get together for a dinner with a bunch of strangers that are curated by this app. And so you pay something like 20-ish bucks a month to be a part of this club, be a part of this supper club. And every week on Wednesday, they’re going to set up a dinner, and then you go. Then you pay for the dinner separately while you’re there. They book the restaurant. They book the table. You show up. And it’s supposed to be a bunch of other people that you should find interesting or get along with. And then you split the bill at the end. Sam Parr That’s the whole product. And they claim that they have an algorithm where it’s like, are you logical? Are you more emotional? Are you this? Are you that? That helps match. Yeah. Shaan Puri Roughly what age are you? Are you single and looking to mingle? What are you all about? And so you take this little quiz and you do that. Now, the backstory… So first, I found it pretty fascinating that this business, which is so simple, a dinner club with strangers, is scaling so well. And this is not a new idea. Obviously, people have been doing this not even as a business for a long time. I remember when I first moved to San Francisco, I used to use this app called Let’s Lunch, it was called. And it was the same idea. You would just agree, hey, I’m down to get a lunch with a random person who’s also in the tech industry. And I used it when I first moved there and I knew nobody. I used it to meet some cool people. And it’s kind of a hit or miss first date without the romance. Do you remember Grouper