Conversely, make your desired behaviors as frictionless as possible.

create a morning routine to help you start your day on a positive note and with a strong focus. Over the long term, a simple morning routine can make a massive difference in your life.

More generally speaking, dedicating time to thinking each week can make a major difference in your life. It can prevent you making big mistakes and save you a great deal of time and energy.

Therefore, refuse to let busyness be an excuse to avoid reflecting on your life.

Instead of reacting to your environment and letting it distract you, you will move toward your goals proactively.

Focus is your ability to maintain your concentration and avoid distraction or procrastination while working on your tasks.

Consistency means developing the habit of working on your key tasks every day, week after week, month after month, and year after year.

Impact means identifying your key tasks (the ones that have the greatest impact on your long-term success) and working on them as often as possible.

Productivity can then be defined as having consistent focus on your most impactful tasks.

a simple daily routine will help you condition your mind, help you feel more in control, and lower your stimulation. As a result, starting work will become easier.

If you spend hours watching YouTube videos, install DF Tube on your Google Chrome navigator, or find a similar app for your internet browser. This will remove all the suggestions and notifications. Then, only watch videos that serve a specific purpose.

the more difficult you make it to engage in unwanted behaviors, the better.

What are you addicted to?

  • Note: Phone, scrolling

What are your main sources of stimulation?

  • Note: Partner, printer, dap, done

Do they really make you happy?

  • Note: Some yes, most of them no

Dopamine and constant stimulation can impair your ability to think long term

No, watching motivational videos all day long won’t help you reach your goals. But, performing daily consistent actions, sustained over a long period of time will. Staying calm and focusing on the one task in front of you every day will.

The point is, to achieve long-term goals in your personal or professional life, you must regain control of your attention and rewire your brain to focus on the long term. To do so, you should start by staying away from highly stimulating activities.

It often starts first thing in the morning when you grab your phone. Then, it continues when you check your emails. But it doesn’t stop there. You then decide to visit social media sites for “a few minutes”. By that time, emails, notifications, and likes will have already triggered the release of dopamine into your system. In short, you’ve become overstimulated.

When you’re engaging in highly stimulating activities, your brain will keep demanding more and more stimulation. As your level of stimulation rises, regular tasks will appear increasingly dull and unappealing. You’ll ask yourself, why work on my book, write a report or create a marketing plan when I could be doing something far more exciting?

The first trick your mind will play on you is to pretend that returning to work will be easy. It will try to convince you that you can start work whenever you choose, that you’re in control of your actions. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. In most cases, you won’t be able to get back to work for hours.

once you’re overstimulated, you’ll find it difficult to go back to work.

Another trick your mind will use is to tell you that you can do your task later. It will convince you there is plenty of time in the afternoon or that you can always do it tomorrow, next week or next month. However, if you don’t fight back, putting things off will become a habit. And five years from now, you’ll be angry at yourself for having accomplished so few goals.

Dopamine detox describes the following process: The reduction of stimulation to prevent overstimulation and put you in the proper state of mind to tackle major tasks.

Immediate Action, you’ll discover how to overcome procrastination.

Powerful Focus, you’ll learn how to gain clarity and develop laser-sharp focus.

Strategic Mindset, you’ll refine your critical thinking skills and develop a crystal-clear strategy that will help you skyrocket your productivity.