Arjun Sunil

A collection of thoughts and articles at different development stages

Pancakes Recipe

Sep 13, 2022

Confluent Kafka Python: Get Lag

Feb 4, 2022

Building an affordable IOT connected home in India

Aug 31, 2021

How to become a software engineer

Mar 6, 2021

Tensorflow: Predict from Image URL

Sep 5, 2020

Opensourcing my brain

Aug 28, 2020

Apple Release Dates
Apple Release Dates

A simple static site that shows Apple Release Dates across the product line. Useful to predict the next likely launch based on past trends

Evergreen 🌳
NFT Project
NFT Project

Generative AI Art sold as NFT on Opensea. Deployed GANs at scale. Picked up this project just to understand, how on earth do NFTs work?

Evergreen 🌳
Color Palette Extractor / Fynd
Color Palette Extractor / Fynd

Built a color palette extraction and naming algorithm with 3 level ranked predictions for e-Commerce

Evergreen 🌳
Animated Google Maps / Personal Projects
Animated Google Maps / Personal Projects

Google Maps embed for simulating movement from point A to B. A Youtuber reached out and asked for help with the code. Ended up publishing for everyone 😊

Evergreen 🌳
One Chart Infra / Fynd
One Chart Infra / Fynd

HELM chart template for deploying stateless containers as deployments or serverless services. Also added single boolean to allow scale down to zero, high availablity, resilience etc.

Evergreen 🌳
One Script Infra / Fynd
One Script Infra / Fynd

One script to rule them all. Single Gitlab CI script to build, loadtest and deploy to Kubernetes with high scalability.

Evergreen 🌳
Arjun Sunil | Digital Garden
This Woman Heals What Th

Arjun Sunil | Digital Garden
Tweets From Lorwen C Nagle PhD

Arjun Sunil | Digital Garden
209 Charlie Hoehn Write Something People Want to Read